2013 BPLA Spring Newsletter

Spring Greetings!

It has been a long snowy winter, but hopefully the end is in sight and we will soon be ready to enjoy another beautiful summer on our lake.

I have been in contact with the Crow Wing County engineer’s department regarding the status of our dam. As you know, we had minor structural damage late last year due to additional bogs, subsequent high water, and rocks washing downstream. Last fall the County applied for FEMA funds to repair this damage (this was only made possible because we formed the Subordinate Service District in 2010 and the County assumed ownership of the dam at that time). The request for funds was granted, and on March 18th of this year I was advised by the County engineer that 75% of the cost for both remaining bog removal and rock repair will be paid by FEMA and 25% will be paid by the State. (The State’s contribution is due to the fact that when Governor Dayton submitted all of Minnesota’s FEMA requests resulting from these storms, he stipulated that the State would pay the difference between the requested amount and the amount FEMA would pay. This means that none of our SSD money will be used for these repairs!!). As of March 18th the County had received all of the FEMA money and 90% of the State’s money. An estimate has been obtained from Holmvig Excavating (the same company that did the original major bog removal earlier last year) to remove the remaining bogs for $3,850.00, and to repair the dam itself for $3,100.00. The FEMA funds must be used by July 31st, but if high waters do not allow for the work to be done by then the County will request an extension. If water levels are satisfactory, the County engineer intends to ask Holmvig Excavating to commence the work in June or July. If we have a problem with floating bogs this year, I will again obtain a blanket permit from the DNR so that anyone who lives on the lake can deal with them before they wash down river and cause damage again. It is illegal to remove any bogs without this permit. Please let me know if you notice any major problems with bogs so that I can apply for the permit ASAP. Be aware that under the terms of this blanket permit we may only remove bogs that are free floating. If larger than 6 ft. by 6 ft. they must be hauled to the shoreline and reattached with stakes; if smaller than 6 ft. by 6 ft. they can be pulled out of the water, allowed to dry, and then be disposed of.

Speaking of high waters – in my last newsletter I neglected to give information out about flood insurance. Last spring there were 4 or 5 homes on the lake that were sitting in water at one point during our flooding situation. The federal government offers flood insurance through FEMA, and although it can be a bit costly, if your home sits at a lower elevation you may want to look into it. There is usually a 30 day waiting period after purchasing this insurance before it becomes effective, so you can’t wait until the last minute to sign up. To get further information go to http://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. You may also call your insurance agent (be aware that not all agents are authorized by FEMA to sell flood insurance) or call
FEMA directly toll-free at 1-888-379-9531.

I would like to again remind everyone that if you see anything illegal happening around our lake (speeding, illegal fireworks, boating or jet skiing on the lake after hours at night without lights, etc.) please call the police to report the activity. Last fall there was an incident where one resident was walking on Big Pine Trail and was almost deliberately hit by a car (twice) driven at a high rate of speed. The police were called immediately and handled the situation in a very prompt and professional manner.

Our Lake Association website is up and running, thanks to Terri Rammer and her daughter Christina. The website address is http://www.bigpinelake-crosslake.com. It is still a work in progress, but so far is looking very good. We will post newsletters, meeting minutes, and links to other websites of interest to everyone who owns lake property. Terri will be our go-to person for the website, so if you have any questions or recommendations please contact her. Job well done, Terri and Christina!!!

Our annual brunch and business meeting will be held on August 17th, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the picnic shelter at the Crosslake Community Center, located just north of town. Go north on Highway 66 past 61 Marine North and turn right onto Daggett Pine Road. Proceed for 2 short blocks; the Community Center is on the left. Everyone should bring a dish to share as well as plates, napkins and silverware. Coffee and juice will be furnished. This year we are again asking everyone to donate food items for the Crosslake Food Shelf or to make a monetary contribution to this organization. Monetary contributions are actually preferred as most food is purchased through Second Harvest Food Bank for a considerably lower price than what individuals would pay outright to a conventional grocery store for the same thing.

Pursuant to our Association Bylaws, we will be having elections for half of our Board at this meeting. The Bylaws dictate that voting is held to name Board members only, and that after the voting is done the Board members alone will hold a short meeting to determine positions within the Board. These positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two members at large. Up for election this year are the terms of myself, Terri Rammer, and Jon Gfoerer. If you are interested in running, please let me know either ahead of time or at the actual meeting. Don’t forget that to be eligible to vote you must have paid your dues for 2013 in the amount of $25.00. These can be paid beforehand (check made payable to Big Pine Lake Association and sent to the address below) or you can pay at the brunch. Also, please let me know beforehand if there are any specific issues that you would like to have addressed at our business meeting.

Lastly, it’s time to sign up for mosquito spraying again. Clarke once more is not raising their prices for the current year and will charge us the same that they have charged since 2008. There will be 9 biweekly sprayings from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day at $55.00 per spraying. With taxes, the cost will be $529.06 for the entire season. I do not yet have their calendar for spraying but it will be very similar to previous years. If you are interested in this service please send your check in the amount of $529.06 to the address below made payable to Big Pine Lake Association, % Dave Rudberg, Treasurer, no later than April 30, 2013.

Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions about any of this. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in August, if not before.

Very truly yours,

Nancy Rudberg
President – Big Pine Lake Association
14072 Big Pine Trail
Crosslake, MN 56442


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