2014 BPLA Spring Newsletter
Summer Greetings!
Committed to preserving the beauty of Big Pine Lake, the Pine River, and surrounding woodlands
As stated in my last newsletter, your Board had hoped to have a meeting with all landowners sometime in June to discuss the progress of finalizing the SEH proposal for repairing our dam and to get feedback from all of you to discuss what direction we want to take. Board members have met with the County and SEH a few times to discuss this project; however, the planning process has proven to be slower than anticipated and we are not at the point where we can present any final proposal to you in June. Therefore, we plan on doing this at our annual brunch and business meeting on August 16th. At this time, we will explain to you the 6 options suggested by SEH, along with the pros and cons of each option. We will also talk about the approximate cost of the project and possible financing sources, so it will be very important that as many people as possible attend this meeting. Rob Hall, the Crow Wing County engineer in charge of our project, will be present to answer any technical questions you might have. The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. on August 16th at the Crosslake Community Center, located just north of town. Go north on Highway 66 past 61 Marine North and turn right onto Daggett Pine Road. Proceed for 2 short blocks; the Community Center is on the left. We will also have election of officers at this meeting. To vote, you must have paid your dues for 2014 and this can be done at the meeting. Please bring a dish to share as well as plates, napkins, and silverware; the Association will provide coffee and orange juice.
For those who signed up for mosquito spraying this year, please be advised that Clarke Environmental changed their spraying policy this year in an attempt to make the spraying more effective. Rather than spraying 9 times from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day on a bi-weekly basis, they are experimenting with starting the spraying later and ending it sooner in an attempt to get the applications closer to a weekly schedule during the period when the little critters are at their worse. We will still get 9 applications for the season. Their schedule is June 5, 12, 19, 26; July 10, 17, 24; and August 7 and 21. With all of the rain we have gotten this year there are still plenty of mosquitos around, but I would hate to think of how many there would be without this spraying.
For those of you who are interested and will be here on July 9th, Deb Griffith, head park ranger at the Army Corps of Engineers campground, will be giving a Chautauqua presentation called How High is the Water, Mama? She will discuss how the Corps manages water levels, who makes the decision to raise or lower water levels in the Pine River reservoir, and what the science is behind these decisions. This presentation will take place at the Crosslake Community Center from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and is free to the public.
Lastly, you are doubtless all aware of the current high water level on our lake. The No Wake signs have been placed at the public landing and in our display case on Big Pine Trail. Please observe this policy during all periods of high water to protect our shoreline, whether or not the No Wake signs are posted.
Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions about anything in this letter.
Very truly yours,
Nancy Rudberg
President – Big Pine Lake Association
14072 Big Pine Trail
Crosslake, MN 56442